
About Program

At Wholesome Start Home School, we understand that the early years of a child's life are crucial for setting the stage for lifelong learning and development. Our Caring Creche Program is designed to provide your little one with a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment that supports their earliest educational journey.

In our creche program, we prioritize the individual needs of each child. Our experienced and compassionate caregivers create a warm and loving atmosphere where your child can thrive. From their first smiles to their earliest steps, our staff is dedicated to ensuring that every child feels valued and secure.

Our creche environment is thoughtfully curated to encourage exploration and discovery. We provide age-appropriate toys, sensory experiences, and interactive activities that stimulate your child's senses and cognitive development. As they explore their surroundings, they develop essential skills such as fine and gross motor coordination, sensory perception, and early social interactions.

We believe that early learning should be a joyful adventure. Our caring staff introduces your child to age-appropriate concepts through play-based activities that ignite their curiosity. Language development, basic numeracy, and foundational social skills are woven naturally into the daily routines, creating a seamless transition from home to school.

At Wholesome Start Home School, we recognize that you, as parents, play an essential role in your child's early education. We maintain open communication channels to keep you informed about your child's progress and daily experiences. Our goal is to work together as a team, providing the best possible start for your child's educational journey.

Enroll your child in our Caring Creche Program and give them the gift of a supportive and enriching early learning experience. Together, let's nurture their potential, curiosity, and love for learning that will set the stage for a bright and successful future."


  • Previous class assessment records.
  • Medical record.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Passport Photograph.

How to Apply

  • Contact the school and schedule a visit.
  • Pick up the admission form.
  • Bring child for assessment/placement test
  • Submit all required documents.
  • Wait for child to be offered admission.

Fees and Funding

Parents are expected to proceed with payment of fees upon admission offer from the school. There are limits to students capacity in each class, considerations will be given based on availability of slot for each class.

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