
About Program

At Wholesome Start Home School, we recognize that the secondary school years are a critical phase in shaping a student's trajectory toward a successful future. Our Secondary School Program serves as a bridge to this bright future, providing students with a comprehensive, transformative, and enriching educational experience that prepares them for higher education and global citizenship.

Our Secondary School classrooms are a hub of intellectual exploration, fostering an environment where students not only gain in-depth subject knowledge but also develop analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire, laying the groundwork for academic excellence that extends beyond the classroom walls.

Beyond academics, character development is woven into every aspect of our Secondary School Program. We believe that true success is not just measured by grades, but also by the values, ethics, and compassion a student carries with them. Through various character-building activities, community service projects, and leadership opportunities, we guide students in becoming responsible global citizens who contribute positively to society.

In our Secondary School Program, we embrace the pursuit of excellence in all its forms. We provide advanced learning opportunities, encouraging students to delve deeper into subjects that ignite their passions. Our educators serve as mentors, guiding students in setting academic and personal goals, and supporting them in their pursuit of individualized paths of success.

As students progress through our Secondary School Program, they cultivate a well-rounded profile that showcases academic prowess, leadership abilities, and a strong sense of ethics. These qualities position them for success in higher education and beyond, enabling them to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world with confidence and purpose.

Join us in preparing the leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow. Enroll your child in our Secondary School Program and witness their transformation into well-rounded individuals ready to excel academically, make a positive impact, and contribute meaningfully to the global community.


  • Previous class assessment records.
  • Medical record.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Passport Photograph.

How to Apply

  • Contact the school and schedule a visit.
  • Pick up the admission form.
  • Bring child for assessment/placement test
  • Submit all required documents.
  • Wait for child to be offered admission.

Fees and Funding

Parents are expected to proceed with payment of fees upon admission offer from the school. There are limits to students capacity in each class, considerations will be given based on availability of slot for each class.

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